Combat in D6 Dungeons is quick and cinematic, not tactical or mathematical. Actions are simple and straightforward. Movement and ranges are symbolic. All the rolling is done by the players and most enemies are represented by a single number. The goal is to keep it moving along quickly, making it feel more like a free-for-all than a slow exchange of strategic moves.
Each participant in combat gets one action per round, which could be an attack, a spell, or movement. The one exception is that a character can move and make a melee attack with one action.
To determine who goes first in combat, make a teamwork roll against the highest difficulty enemy, plus any bonus for surprise. Highest roll’s side goes first, then alternate each round for the rest of the battle.
Any skill could function as the initiative roll, depending on the situation. If the heroes are ambushed, it could be reflexes. If they’re waiting to ambush someone, it could be stealth. If they’re watching for something to happen, it might be awareness. If they’re staring down enemies from across the tavern, it might be intimidation.
During the first round of combat, all offensive rolls are made with advantage. If the enemies won, all defensive rolls are made with disadvantage.
You must roll equal to or greater than an enemy's difficulty number to hit it with an attack, spell, or maneuver. When an enemy attacks, you defend against it with reflexes; if you fail, you get hit.
Movement and Ranges
Movement rates only matter during chases, when it's relevant to compare one character's speed to another. Characters who move faster will always outrun those who move slower unless other actions are taken to affect the chase, such as intervening obstacles, knowledge of shortcuts, or using magic and equipment to affect the outcome.
There are only three categories: close, near, and far. It is helpful to think of these as ranges between meaningful locations in the battle, not between individual characters. Melee attacks can only be made against close enemies, short range attacks hit anyone nearby, and long range attacks can hit someone far away. It takes one action to change your range to a target, such as moving from near to close to make a melee attack.
You can also use strength or dexterity to perform a maneuver. A maneuver foregoes direct damage to otherwise affect the target in some way. This could mean disarming them or knocking them down. Regardless of what the maneuver actually is, it should be handled by granting advantage to your or one of your allies or disadvantage the enemy.
Maneuvers that affect enemies remain in effect until the target takes an action to cancel them, such as getting back up if tripped or retrieving their weapon if disarmed. Maneuvers that give allies advantage last for one round.
Minor monsters only require one wound to defeat, while more challenging monsters require a number of wounds equal to their difficulty. A goblin only takes 1 wound to defeat, but a goblin king would require 3. Players may decide if enemies are killed or simply knocked out when defeated.
If you are hit by an enemy, roll fortitude to avoid being wounded. If you take lethal damage and you're not wearing armor, you automatically suffer a wound. If you suffer nonlethal damage, you may roll fortitude even if you're not wearing armor.
Each wound temporarily cancels out one skill of your choice until you get healed. You roll that skill with only one die and cannot benefit from having advantage. When three of your skills are damaged, you are unconscious. If your entire party is unconscious, you are at the mercy of the enemies or elements, though this should always end up in some situation that furthers the adventure (put into goblin cages, tied up and ransomed by bandits, washed down the river a few miles, etc.) that has some other consequence (loss of wealth or equipment, more challenges, etc.).
Once per scene, while not in combat, you or another player may attempt a wisdom 5 roll (healing kits provide advantage) to heal one wound. Any players that were knocked unconscious automatically heal one wound and become conscious again. Divine magic and artifacts can also be used to heal wounds.