The D6 Dungeon

Using the following tables, it's easy to randomly generate a dungeon adventure. The narrator can assemble the adventure beforehand, or, for an even greater challenge, have the players roll during the game every time a feature of the adventure needs to be decided. Whenever 'X' is shown, use the number of players; for example, Xd6 means you should roll 1d6 for each player.


What’s the story? What’s the motivation to go into the dungeon?

  1. Defense - you need to defend the dungeon against attackers
  2. Enemy - there's a specific enemy or group of enemies in the dungeon you need to defeat
  3. Escape - you begin the adventure in the dungeon and must escape
  4. Exploration - you've been sent to the dungeon to explore, map, and chronicle it
  5. Rescue - someone in the dungeon is in need of rescue
  6. Treasure - you're seeking a special item or hoard of treasure in the dungeon


How big is the dungeon? How many rooms? How long should the adventure take? This can just be a choice instead of a roll.

  1. Tiny - just a couple rooms, one game session at most
  2. Small - a few rooms and passages, probably just one game session
  3. Medium - several rooms and passages, maybe a second level, one or two game sessions
  4. Large - a large complex of rooms over a few levels, two or three game sessions
  5. Huge - a sprawling complex of rooms spanning several levels, several game sessions
  6. Epic - a whole complex, including numerous rooms and levels, lots of game sessions


What’s the overall theme of the dungeon? What’s it look like?

  1. Cavern - natural stone, underground rivers, cavernous chambers, stalagmites and stalactites
  2. Fortress - fortified installation with outer defenses, reinforced doors, and secure chambers
  3. Ruin - long-forgotten and abandoned with crumbling, deteriorated walls and furnishings
  4. Settlement - inhabited area with housing, markets, and workplaces, citizens and guards
  5. Temple - place of worship with religious significance, iconography, and lore
  6. Wilderness - uninhabited terrain full of wild flora and fauna


  1. Arctic - cold temperatures, snowy weather, frozen lakes and rivers, permafrost
  2. Desert - hot temperatures, sandy terrain, very little water, exposed bedrock
  3. Forest - temperate or jungle with lots of trees, underbrush, and wildlife
  4. Mountains - steep terrain with cliffs, ledges, and caves, cold temperatures at high elevations
  5. Plains - vast, wide-open areas with herd animals, stormy weather
  6. Swamp - wet and rotting terrain with bogged down travel conditions


What is the predominate enemy type in the dungeon?

  1. Animals
  2. Brutes
  3. Constructs
  4. Monsters
  5. People
  6. Undead


  1. None - just the usual challenges
  2. Darkness - nighttime or underground, light source required
  3. Innocents - noncombatants in the area
  4. Instability - the area is in danger of collapsing or otherwise falling apart
  5. Traps - abundance of natural hazards or triggered dangers
  6. Weather - bad weather reduces visibility, mobility, or otherwise increases danger

Mini Bosses

  1. Group of predominate enemies
  2. Group of predominate enemies, plus one elite
  3. Group of predominate enemies, plus one elite from another list
  4. A group from another list
  5. One elite plus a group from another list
  6. A small group of elites


  1. One elite of higher difficulty
  2. One elite of higher difficulty, plus a small group of lesser enemies
  3. One elite of higher difficulty, plus a small group from another list
  4. Two elites
  5. Two elites, plus a small group of lesser enemies
  6. Two elites, plus a small group from another list

Boss Complications

  1. Double wound threshold
  2. Heals 1 wound every round
  3. Has Xd6 (highest) minions
  4. One extra action each round
  5. Magic resistant (+2 difficulty to resist spells)
  6. Difficulty increased by +1

Room Layout

  1. Small (all close)
  2. Medium (all nearby)
  3. Large (far to cross)
  4. Maze (easy to hide, far to cross)
  5. Multilevel (elevation changes, all nearby in different sections)
  6. Split (divider of some sort, far to cross)

Room Enemies

  1. None
  2. Small group
  3. Small group, one of another type
  4. Large group
  5. Large group, one of another type
  6. Large group, small group of another type

Room Events

Do any events take place in each scene?

  1. No event
  2. No event
  3. Event before scene
  4. Event during scene
  5. Event after scene
  6. Roll twice


  1. Ambush - hidden enemies attempt surprise attack
  2. Hazard - dungeon's hazard triggered or something new
  3. Mini Boss - roll on mini boss chart
  4. Reinforcements - more enemies arrive
  5. Trap - it's a trap
  6. Roll Twice


After a number of scenes equal to the size of the dungeon, and after every room thereafter, roll 1d6. On a 3+, the dungeon reaches its conclusion. A conclusion might be:

  1. Escape hazard
  2. Escape hazard, bonus treasure room
  3. Boss fight
  4. Boss fight, escape hazard
  5. Boss fight, bonus treasure room, escape hazard
  6. Boss fight, reinforcements, bonus treasure room, escape hazard


Advancement (one rank in any skill) for size 1-2, two advancements for 3-4, and three advancements for 5-6. Xd6 (take highest result) wealth and artifacts. Roll to increase wealth against result.